
Rolf Thies - Architect

Public Buildings

Middle East


Private Estates

Interior Design








Terraced Housing - Södermalm Stockholm 1968

The site is situated in the central part of Stockholm on the south bank of Lake Riddarfjärden, opposite of Town Hall. Rolf and his collegues wanted to give the inhabitants a feeling of having their own villa, centrally located in the city. Every apartment has its own terrace, out of view from the neighbours, facing south. the living room is facing north with a view of the lake.


Lane House Group - Kungsängen 1961-1971

There are 24 villa units in four variations following both sides of the street, all of them overlooking lake mälaren. A quick look gives the feeling that all the houses are built together like row houses, but they are not. Narrow footpaths run in between. These paths are practical outdoor connections between the front and back gardens of the houses. But the practical feature is not as important as the feeling a freestanding house gives its inhabitants. The story of this project starts in 1961 when Rolf was looking for a single lot for his familys future residence. Rolf tells us:

"I found this place in connection with existing one-family houses by Tibbleviken in Kungsängen, but was refused permission build. Three years later a community-politician informed me privately that only one family houses can be erected in groups. Different stronger community engagements in public services were the reason. I went home and drew what they wanted. Another five years went by. Now the community suddenly was going ahead to build the road I had suggested in my project, because they were forced to build a big sewer pipeline just there. The local govenment committee members saw the possibility of transferring the road as well as the pipeline costs to the future private house owners. Thus I could go on, and after three years the houses were built. But isnt it fantastic, that an infrastructure, here a sewer pipeline, may influence the possibility of building such a very popular place to live in, instead of the other way around? Furthermore the community won 24 good taxpayers as well as a push up symbol. From the beginning of sales til now the house prices have gone up more than ten times."

In the beginning of the sitxties, when these houses where designed, Rolf was still influenced by the Bauhaus architectural style but using new building materials, such as Ytong. The facade is made of limestone bricks and Eternit. The horizintal roofing is done in Evalon, a waterproofing membrane.



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